‘The Suicide Squad’ Stats According to James Gunn

James Gunn is consistently making headlines and will continue to do so until The Suicide Squad is released. Recently, Gunn’s attention to comic book stores was noticed by fans on Twitter, and the writer/director has also been discussing some of The Suicide Squad stats on social media as well.

Despite the summer’s most anticipated flick only being a month from release, fans are slobbering to get any information that they can about The Suicide Squad. Several fans have reached out to Gunn on Twitter with questions about the film. Gunn has responded to several of these, although he was admittedly a bit tongue in cheek in his responses (can you blame him?).

Questions galore

The Tweet above shows a fan (@CreativeCatFX) asking Gunn about what the movie’s contents could be and the run time for the film. Gunn gently rebuked the fan’s dream about The Suicide Squad but officially stated that the film will be two hours and twelve minutes long.

After Gunn replied to this fan, others reached out as well. @DcfanSean asked Gunn whose decision the 2+ hour run time for The Suicide Squad was. Gunn tactfully replied,

I wrote, filmed, & edited the best movie I could & it ended up at this length. No one ever planned for it to be this long.

The questions continued to roll in for James Gunn to answer. Another fan (@llohdrbjdzz) asked Gunn about possible post-credits scenes. Gunn teased the questioner, but promised that there will be a post-credits scene. Despite this, Gunn points out that the movie itself is “what matters most”.

@PlagueXVP asked Gunn several questions:

This fan specifically asked Gunn which cast members were the easiest and hardest to work with and how much of the final dialogue was improvised in the film. Gunn replied that it was easiest to work with Daniela (Melchior), who portrays Ratcatcher 2. The most difficult, according to Gunn, was (Michael) Rooker, who portrays Brian Durlin/Savant. Additionally, the film has very little in the way of improvised lines in the final cut.

Anything else?

Many more fans asked questions of James Gunn, but these are the answers we got. Honestly, he’s a busy guy so we can’t blame him! Plus, the film is only a few short weeks away. Hopefully, all fan questions will be answered when the movie is finally released.

What do you think of the newly revealed Squad stats? Please let us know.

The Suicide Squad will debut in theaters and on HBO Max on August 6, 2021.

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