A New Batman Theme Has Been Composed for JL Snyder Cut

An all new Batman theme will debut in the Snyder Cut, AKA Zack Snyder’s Justice League.

Well, it’s technically new. Audiences have never heard it before, but it’s actually old. According to Screenrant, the Batman theme we will hear on March 18th was originally composed by Junkie XL a as a follow up to the “Beautiful Lie” Batman theme (meh) from BvS: Dawn of Justice. That piece was jointly composed by Junkie XL and New God of cinema scores, Hans Zimmer.

Behind the cowl… and the music

Joss Whedon apparently found time between lunch and berating the gaffers to toss the new theme in the trash and replace it with Danny Elfman’s iconic theme (oh, yeah) from Batman ’89. Now, four long years later, Snyder is re-inserting Junkie’s original theme, as yet another tiny step in his quest to give life to his personal vision of perfection.

More Cowl Bell

Junkie XL explained the importance of the old/new Batman theme in the Snyder Cut during an interview with TheFilmJunkee. , explaining that the new theme will symbolize a change in outlook for Bat-Affleck:

Batman (is a) very tormented character, but the most beautiful thing about (him) – he’s actually not the real superhero in this movie, compared to the other guys. He’s just a guy that has a lot of money. So funny enough, he has this very tormented past. So, in this particular movie, the focus is a little less on his tormented past, and it’s more focused on the motivation to bring the crew together. So that is his primary goal.

No doubt this new Bat theme will be just as memorable as all the classic tunes that came before (fingers crossed).

credit: Screenrant

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