Zack Snyder Breaks Down VFX Between 2017 & 2021 Justice League Versions In New Interview

Article by John Hammond

In an new interview, Zack Snyder breaks down the VFX in between the 2017 & 2021 versions of the Justice League movie. That’s not all though, Snyder also talks about Wonder Woman ’84, particularly giving us his three favourite scenes from the flick.

Aside from these, we also get an idea on how many more trailers will be released for the Snyder Cut of Justice League, including info on Wonder Woman’s role in said movie.

You’ll also note from the interview is that Snyder shows little snippets of the changes being made. Ok, so it may not be clear to all who watch due to how he does the reveals, but those who are much more tech savvy than myself will no doubt have a way to improve the quality.

For me though, what comes across in this interview is that he’s someone who genuinely enjoys the work that he does. He loves his fans, and wants to put the work he does out there for all to see.  You can’t help but have respect for such a person, no matter your opinions on his movies.

Fun things about the interview to look out for; I assume that his wife’s in the background, and she has to give him a little nudge about the date for one of the older effect shots. This really did make me laugh. Another little thing is the sound he makes for Cyborg coming down. Brilliant.

It’s a great interview, which you can check out below. Please let us know your thoughts on it.

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