Review: Amethyst #2

“Out of Place”
Writer and Artist: Amy Reeder
Letterer: Gabriela Downie
Review by Fay Clark

Amethyst #2 is here. After being introduced to Amy Winston A.K.A Amethyst and Gemworld, I couldn’t wait to jump back in to try and solve the mystery behind what was happening. With House Amethyst in ruins, our heroine has no idea what has happened, but immediately jumps into action to try and find her people. Can she discover the truth?

Your third eye sparkles like a Gem

Amy Reeder really has talent. Throughout the entirety of Amethyst #2 I was on the edge of my seat. Reeder delivers an action packed story with a thread of mystery running through it, so you can’t help but pay attention. We get to go back in time and experience Gemworld first hand through Amethyst’s eyes. Not only do we get a little more of the story explained to us, but we also see her adviser and her protector. This helps us understand why Amy has to go on a quest to find her people. The conversations had between characters only underline the skill of Amy Reeder. The dialogue she writes flows really well between the characters, even the new introductions.

50 Shades of Purple

As writer and artist, more props have to be given to Amy Reeder, as this woman has buckets of talent. Her style is unique and, although her drawings are crisp and well thought out, there’s something in some of the facial expressions that’s imperfect. Humanising the characters more by showing their faults. They’re not always drawn with the perfect expression, or hair-do. I adore the style and thought that went into the art in Amethyst #2.

As letterer Gabriela Downie makes sure to imply all the correct feelings and connotations with her work. Well placed speech bubbles and text boxes with the right inflection really help you understand how the characters are feeling in that moment.


This is quickly becoming one of my favourite comics to read. Amethyst #2 really had it all. Mystery, intrigue, great fight scenes, memory recalling and even some friendship. Amy Reeder is able to put so much in such a small comic and it definitely makes me want to come back for more. Until next time, keep those crystals shining.

Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment

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