Jorge Jimenez Announced As New Artist On Batman

Article by John Hammond

In welcome news, Jorge Jimenez has been announced as the new artist on Batman. Sharing the news on his Twitter feed, Mr Jimenez will start work with issue #90, coming in March 2020.

Obviously happy about taking this on, he will join a team of three who will work as artists on the series; the other two being Tony S. Daniel and Guillem March. Quite the team, indeed.

Take a look at his first cover below, including a wonderful black and white version.

Jorge Jimenez has been the primary artist on Justice League since 2018, working alongside Scott Snyder. His final issue will be January’s #39.

Mr Jimenez has been a Batman artist before, working on the solo stories Batman: Arkham Unhinged and Batman: Lost.

No doubt that you will all be happy to see the great Jorge Jimenez join the Batman series, I sure am. Let us know your thoughts below.

Batman #90 will be on sale where all good comics are sold on March 4th 2020.

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