Graphic Designer is “Perhaps” Designing the New Batmobile for ‘The Batman’

Article by Adam Poncharoensub

With each iteration of Batman, comes his trusty steed. While it may not always be the first thing on your mind, we all know we’re wondering what the next Batmobile will look like. I’ve loved each live-action Batmobile so far and I can’t wait to see what we’d be getting to match Battinson’s take on the Caped Crusader. Well, we may gotten a hint who is “perhaps” designing the new Batmobile.

Ash Thorp is a graphic designer, concept artist, and creative director. He has contributed concepts and designs to movies such as X-Men: First Class and Amazing Spider-Man 2. A look at his Instagram account shows a style steeped in futuristic sleekness that seems more comfortable in a stylized, science fiction universe. Is this the man who will create the new Batmobile?

Well, we don’t yet know, but there are hints. Apparently, the thread started when Matt Reeves followed Thorp on social media. Following that, an Instagram story showed that he had a “great day at work,” showing a photo of the iconic WB water tower. This was all spotted by the social media of a fan called “@Batmancanseeyou.” They’ve clearly been watching Thorp’s social media with some scrutiny before they just decided to reach out to him directly… in an indirect sort of way.

Mystery Befitting the World’s Greatest Detective

On a fairly innocent sponsored Instagram post about headphones, @Batmancanseeyou asked him if he was “working on a new design for a certain legendary black vehicle” followed by a Bat-emoji. Thorp replied, but it has since been deleted. Of course, nothing is ever really gone on the Internet.

Take a look of the screencap below:

No confirmation, but no denial either.

Thorp would eventually take to Twitter to further fuel the flames of speculation. Remember that Matt Reeves’ cryptic tweet that confirmed the casting of RBattz back in June? Yeah, Thorp retweeted that.

Thorp is clearly enjoying teasing the hell out of fans. Is he “perhaps” designing the new Batmobile? While it seems like that’s the case, remember Josh Gad spent months teasing fans about the Penguin. Then, he came clean and admitted it was all in good fun. Also, WB and DC have not confirmed anything, so all of this must be taken with some salt to avoid any bad rumor juju.

I’m not at all familiar with Thorp’s work, but it’d be interesting to see what he can come up with after browsing through his Instagram.

Stay tuned to DKN for more updates.

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