DC Universe Launches Life Or Death Votes For Jason Todd In ‘Titans’

Inspired by the ruthless 1988 call-in for votes, DC Universe presents a poll 20 years later asking fans what the fate of the sweet-summer child, Jason Todd (played by Curran Walters), should be. It mimics the 1988 phone-in campaign. There had been rumors that the second Robin was not as beloved as the first, so fans favored the Joker winning and killing the second Robin in Batman: A Death In The Family. This was undoubtedly, one of Batman’s most painful moments.

In the 1988 poll, the options appeared on the back-cover of Batman #427, where fans could select one of two options:

  1. “1-(900)720-2660”, a green button. This casts a vote for Todd to survive, and Bats defeats the Joker. Robin lives!
  2. “1-(900)720-2666”, a red button. This button gives the young boy his torturous and untimely end. Setting off one of Batman’s biggest failures.

In Bruce Timm’s Under the Red Hood, which starred Jensen Ackles, I balled like a baby during the death scene. I’m not sure if my heart could take this brutal demise again, but what is Batman without pain? Do fans believe this death made him a better hero, or was it all in vain?

Back in 1988 the votes came in favor of Jason’s death, at 71% selecting the Red Button option. There are speculations that it was simply a few callers, as they didn’t have technology as advanced as today that could personally give an identifier with the votes. Many folks were not a fan of the little bird. There is an alternate comic book ending to this plot. A hardcover of DC Comics Classics Library featured the Batman: A Death in the Family collection. There is a pencilled artwork by the DC artist of Batman saving a battered and barely-breathing, but alive, Jason Todd from the rubble. Batman holds an excited look, finding his ward and young partner alive.

This is the first time we have a live-action Jason Todd. He carries a major fanbase, and it’s been surprising DC live-action has taken this long to bring him up. He’s an integral part of fandom lore. The Batkids are NOT the Batkids without their Jaybird. It’s a fantastic time to be a fan! Titans are doing a bang-up job, bringing all qualities of the lore to life. So, who will you vote? Is Robin in…or out?

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