Jolly Gee Willickers ‘Batman’ Gets Pulled Over?

Batman pulled over?

What? A Reddit video that has gone viral shows the Caped Crusader following protocol as a police officer does in fact pull him over. Stephen Lawrence, of Brampton, ONT also known as “The Brampton Batman” told Global News that he had been concerned by some of the cars following him. When he came up to an officer at a light he requested help. The officer was an amazing asset, helping him navigate the traffic for a short time before doing the staged pull over.

The Police in the area did release a statement saying that, yes indeed this happened, but they are glad because it strengthens community bonds. This is an amazing thing in itself to see; such good news in a world where usually bad tidings seem to be in more plentiful  supply.

The Brampton Batman

Stephen Lawrence is a mainstay in the area and truly a Good Samaritan. While his day job is at a factory, he shows up at local charity events spreading good will. He helps stranded and broken down motorists when he can and even received a citation from the city when he was 17 for his assistance in helping with a credit card thief. Getting the prebuilt Batmobile in 2015, he loves making others smile when they see the duo of vat and hero. Truly someone out there doing something they love.

He also is an advocate for the safety of both himself and those around him, discouraging the use of cell phones to capture the Batmobile and Batman while driving.

If you start to pace beside me, it means that both of us can be put in jeopardy if something were to happen.

I, for one, am glad he is combing the streets. Way to go Batman!

What do you think of the Brampton Bats?

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