David F. Sandberg Defends Shazam Costume With Classic Batman Put-Down

Twitter is full of active comics related conversations. It can bring you up to the top of your game, or can even launch a thousand quips! Shazam is one superhero that’s had quite a rough ride, but at least he’s never had nipples on his costume… No, that’s just Batman.

We know everybody gets hyper when hearing about a new superhero movie coming out. We want to see what the costume will look like and instantly… criticize? That’s what happened to David F. Sandberg, director of the Shazam movie.

Sandberg is believed by the DC Comics fandom to be the one to put the universe back on track. He is a passionate filmmaker and seems to care for the beloved character. However, after pictures leaked from the set to the general public, it didn’t take long for fans to troll the director with angry Tweets like the one below. Sandberg replied with dark humor… and I chuckled.

The direct dig at Joel Schumacher’s run on the Batman movies was, of course, intended to be a joke. The tweet was an obvious defence against some fans critiquing his movie, which isn’t even out yet!

Fandom has since seemingly calmed about the leaked pictures.

Here’s a quote from Sandberg explaining a very cool costume detail in a recent interview.

I wanted to keep the shorter cape as a throwback to the original because that’s something that sets him apart from Superman or Batman. It makes him feel a bit more Golden Age superhero, which is the vibe I’m going for.

Shazam is set to premiere on April 5th 2019, starring Zachary Levi and Asher Angel.

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