‘Thor: Ragnarok’s’ Tessa Thompson Shows Support for Film Featuring a Female Batman

In November of 2017, two very large comic book movies were released. In the beginning of the month, we received Thor: Ragnarok, the threequel to Marvel Studios’ weakest franchise and following up, we got Justice League. It’s clear who the clear winner was both with the critics and the box office. Personally, I was never the biggest fan of Thor: Ragnarok due to their decision to put humor above everything, but that’s beside the point. Now, we have a rare moment where not only the two big butting heads of comic books converge, but also characters from two different movies that were released in the same month.

It seems that an editor at Cosmopolitan, Alexis Nedd posted a conversation between herself and her boyfriend. Her boyfriend asked her what her perfect Batman movie would be.

“James Earl Jones as Alfred”

Here is her response:

Tessa Thompson, for those who don’t know, played Valkyrie in Thor: Ragnarok. In the tweet, Nedd suggests that Batman somehow falls in battle (fat chance) to a young Black woman (she suggests that Tessa Thompson should take the part) by accident, and puts on the suit to become the Batman. She must wage war against Jason Todd who originally wanted the cowl.

Not too long later, Tessa herself got wind of the tweet and showed her full support behind it.

It would be pretty damn cool to see Thompson take on another guy or two to show them who’s boss. While it may likely never happen, it’s great to see she’s on board with the idea.

While I love the idea that she faces Jason Todd who wants the mantle and the idea of James Earl Jones in the role of Alfred, my Batman just wouldn’t be accidentally killed. That I cannot and will not buy… period. Sure, he’s not superhuman, but he’s far too paranoid and too skilled. However, that’s why the question posed to her was what her perfect Batman movie would be, so it’s a personal thing. This is what she would love to see as a Batman movie in her ideal world where she wants to see herself represented in a Batman movie.

Also, I’d hate to see Taylor Kitsch near any DC movie. In my opinion, he ruined Gambit in the Fox X-Men universe and John Carter for Disney.

Another interesting fact is that she seems to be casting the proposed project with actors from Marvel movies. As stated before, Tessa Thompson is in Thor: Ragnarok, Sterling Brown is the in the upcoming Black Panther, and Taylor Kitsch starred in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. I think it’s clear where her loyalties lie.

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