New ‘Justice League Action’ Premieres Online, The Joker Crashes a Party

Just in time for the holidays, DC Kids releases yet another new installment of Justice League Action. For hardcore fans of Mark Hamill’s Joker, it’s a real Christmas miracle.

In this episode, after an altercation with Kevin Conroy’s Bats, The Joker literally crashes into a birthday party. Before he can do any real damage (aside from his offensively bad jokes), Billy Batson arrives just in time.

Crickets? Is this thing on?

It was genuinely funny and a real treat to hear Mark Hamill be that Joker. If Mark Hamill could literally be everywhere, I’d be a very happy camper. Also, it’s just so great to hear Hamill exchange lines and blows with Kevin Conroy again. The fanboy in me is just going nuts with this new clip.

For those who celebrate it: Merry Christmas, Batfans!

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