‘Suicide Squad’ Blooper Reel Surfaces Online

For those of you, like me, who prefer physical media and are waiting on the release of Suicide Squad on Blu-Ray in December, it’s likely that you have not purchased the Digital HD version. Then, if that’s the case, you haven’t gotten to explore the special features that often come with home media releases.

You’re in luck, folks. Someone managed to upload the blooper reel to Suicide Squad online. The clip runs approximately 2 minutes and features Will Smith, Viola Davis, and Margot Robbie heavily. Be forewarned, it does have a bit of strong language.

As expected, based on his behavior during promotion of the flick, Smith was the resident class clown of the group and goofed off whenever things didn’t quite go right, whereas Viola Davis (likely, a perfectionist) would get upset when the line wasn’t delivered correctly.

Overall, it’s worth a chuckle and it ends on a pretty funny note involving the Joker.

Suicide Squad: Extended Cut is out now on Digital HD, with the release on Blu-ray on December 5th.

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