Review: Teen Titans #2

“Damian Knows Best,” Part 2

Writer – Benjamin Percy

Penciller – Diōgenes Neves

For a boy of only thirteen, Damian has experienced quite a bit. Readers see first hand the tug-o-war for Damian’s allegiance – The Dragon or The Bat? What’s worse is he’ll have to rely on others in order to save himself.

In order to complete their initiation into the League of Assassins, the elite group called, The Dragon’s Fist, must hunt and kill their rivals – individuals who represent the opposite of their darker selves. Finally, readers are introduced to the individual members of Dragon’s Fist and their rivals:

  • Blank – an albino shapeshifter who targets Beast Boy
  • Stone – a rocky armored earth mover with super strength who targets Starfire
  • Plague – her touch will decay almost anything, targets Raven
  • Nightstorm – a weather wizard who targets Kid Flash
  • Mara – a martial artist who targets Robin

As the Dragon’s Fist make their move, the team is forced to reckon with their distrust of Damian. The team learns of Damian’s questionable family heritage and the great expectations that come with it.

Teen Titans #2 sets the stage for an intriguing tale. The League of Assassins, with Talia and Ra’s Al Guhl at the helm, always provides potential for a compelling story with plenty of complications. The duality that exists between the League of Assassins and Batman is now personified in Damian Wayne. The new, would-be Teen Titans are showing potential to be an outstanding team. For individuals thrown together, they seem to play well off each other. Beast Boy and Kid Flash in particular seem to have camaraderie akin to a much longer friendship. Once they decide to trust one another, to work together, and to walk with Damian on his journey, these Titans have potential to be a powerful force.

The art in Teen Titans #2 is good. Although the lines are not as sharp without Jonboy Meyers, they are crisp and clean. Teen Titans #2 lacks the artistic flair of the previous two issues, but it’s certainly not a criticism. The issue continues the style of its predecessors nicely. I look forward to seeing if it will continue this trajectory.

Through compelling stories and artistic style, Teen Titans is setting the stage to reclaim the its important position in the DCU.  The inclusion of major villains like Ra’s and Talia lend credibility to this title and to the position of this team within the larger continuity. The result is a good mix of youthful characters and coming-of-age tales, which can give Teen Titans just the boost it needs.

Images courtesy of DC Entertainment. 

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