Dr. Pepper Promotes ‘Batman v Superman’, Prequel Comics

It seems soft drink giant, Dr. Pepper has paired with WB/DC to bring yet another marketing campaign for Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. Dr. Pepper is releasing bottles and cans bearing the likenesses of Batfleck, Henry Cavill as Supes, Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman, Luthenberg, and Amy Adams as Lois Lane.

Take a look:


Along with that, it seems that with purchase of a 20 oz drink, Dr. Pepper is giving away digital copies of a series of prequel comics. Each chapter will focus on a major character. The comic is written by Christos Gage with art by Joe Bennett

So far, we’ve got the first chapter featuring the Dark Knight, courtesy of DC Woman Kicking Ass Tumblr:

The comic suggests that since the destruction of Metropolis at the hands of Zod and Supes, Bats has been much more harsh on criminals. Also, what is up with that mask?

There seems to be about 5 chapters in all. According to the Tumblr, the second chapter will focus on Lois Lane, followed by Senator Finch, played by Holly Hunter.

I’ve never enjoyed Dr. Pepper, but I believe at least one bottle will be finding itself on my shelf at some point between now and the release of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, March 25th, 2016.

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