Batman V Superman; Not Lois V Wonder Woman

The Silver Age Of Comics were very weird; both for Lois and Diana.

Catfights. For some reason, whenever we hear two major female figures will be in an action film, the fans demand to know if there will be catfights. Whatever your stance on the matter being either a pigheaded question, or a legitimate line of complex and rational thought, it has been decided there not be one for the upcoming Batman V. Superman; Dawn of Justice.  We all know Amy Adams is in the film as Lois Lane, and we all know Gal Gadot is in the film as Wonder Woman. Wonder Woman is also Superman’s current girlfriend, and therefore the spot for love interest, which has been traditionally and in this continuity played by Lois Lane, might fall into contention.  Obviously Lois Lane wouldn’t fight Wonder Woman beyond verbally, but the idea of the two main loves of the Last Son of Krypton’s life fighting has it’s appeal for some.  Amy Adams had this to say about Lois and Wondy being together in the same movie.

They always think that if you put in another woman and automatically… ‘Catfight!’ No, I think that’s a male fantasy thing. I don’t think that’s reality. I don’t know how it will turn out, if we’re going to be competition, but we are not in this, I can safely say, and we’re not in real life. She’s just the coolest girl ever.

So there’s your answer. Lois and Wonder Woman will not be fighting over the Man of Steel’s heart in the film. With how many characters already seem to be coming into conflict in this film, the title itself being a dead giveaway, a love triangle will not be among them.

Source: SuperHeroHype

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