Hong Kong McDonald’s are Better: Now Offering Batman Diner Double Beef Burger

Due to a number of reasons that should be obvious, I’ve pretty much eliminated fast food from my diet. Aside from an occasional chicken tender or two every year or so, you don’t see me pigging out on a Whopper. I’m already way overweight, so I think I’ll live without Burger King or Taco Bell. However, with this bit of news, I think I can stand to have some McDonald’s. And also to move to Hong Kong.

I don’t notice Hong Kong very much, do you? Aside from giving us the great Jackie Chan, it’s not really on my radar. However, this piece of non-news is making it my current life objective to go there. Apparently, Hong Kong thought it’d be a good idea to launch a marketing campaign based around the Justice League. Toys? Nope. They’re going for themed foods. They have began offering the Batman Diner Double Beef.

It’s glorious. There’s two meat patties and an egg. AN EGG! I love burgers with eggs. And do you see the “Squeezy cheesy fries.” I’m about to faint.

I would love a toy or something with it, but this box and cup are worth it.

This image is courtesy of Supersupergirl. Check out her review of the squeezy cheesy fries and sparkling green apple tea here.

If you’re STILL not sold yet, make sure you check out that surprisingly well-made commercial above. It’s pretty awesome.

I just… I can’t. I have to move to Hong Kong now.

Source – McDonald’s UK (via Geekologie), Supersupergirl.

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