Gotham S1 E03 Description Released

As Fox’s Gotham series premiere draws ever closer, we’ve been hearing more and more about what we’re going to see during the rest of the season.  Today, specifically, we’ve been handed the episode description for the third episode of the series, entitled “The Balloonman.”


Detectives Gordon and Bullock track down a vigilante who is killing corrupt Gotham citizens by attaching them to weather balloons. Meanwhile, Oswald Cobblepot returns to Gotham and gets a new job close to an influential figure in the underworld in the all-new “The Balloonman” episode of GOTHAM airing Monday, Oct. 6 (8:00-9:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. (GTH-103) (TV-14 D, L, S, V)
Cast: Ben McKenzie as Detective James Gordon, Donal Logue as Harvey Bullock, Jada Pinkett Smith as Fish Mooney, Sean Pertwee as Alfred, Robin Lord Taylor as Oswald Cobblepot/The Penguin, Erin Richards as Barbara Kean, David Mazouz as Bruce Wayne, Camren Bicondova as Selina Kyle/the future Catwoman, Zabryna Guevara as Captain Sarah Essen, Cory Michael Smith as Edward Nygma/the future Riddler, Victoria Cartagena as Renee Montoya, Andrew Stewart Jones as Crispus Allen, John Doman as Carmine Falcone.
Guest Cast: Dan Bakkedahl as Davis Lamond, James Colby as Lt. Bill Cranston, David Zayas as Maroni, Jack Koenig as Arnold Danzer and Clark Middleton as Gerrick.


So it looks like we’re going to be seeing the dynamic duo of Gotham, that of Gordon and Bullock in this instance, take down a criminal who could only exist in Gotham. The Balloonman in question appears to be created for the show. I’m not personally familiar with any Batman villain by that name, and the internet can only turn up one character by the name “Balloonman,” and it’s a giant pink robot seen for one issue of Metal Men in 1967 and was completely ret-conned by the Crisis on Infinite Earths event. So I personally doubt that’s the character they’re going to be tackling, but you never know.


But apart from any possible Metal Men tie-ins, it looks like episode 3 will be spending some quality time with Proto-Penguin/ Oswald Cobblepot played by Robin Lord Taylor. That will probably be our first extended interaction with this particular rendition of the character, so fans of the Penguin are going to make sure you set your DVRs for 8,9 PM ET/PT on October 6th! I know I will be!


Source: Comic Book Movie

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