Brampton Batman Patrols Downtown Brampton

Hello fellow Batman fans. Here is a community spot light that I thought you would get a kick out of seeing. Over the week a small story went out about a man by the name Stephen Lawrence. At the  age 38 Stephen has been going around his home town of Brampton for the last two years keeping watch over it from late at night to 3 a.m in the mornings.  In this short little clip he gives you a small reason why he does what he does.

Here is  a few small back stories of Stephen (Brampton Batman) actually saving the day.

At 17, he was awarded a civilian citation by the York Regional Police for tackling someone who tried to use a bogus credit card at a mall jewelry store and making a citizen’s arrest. It was later discovered the man was wanted for fraud on a Canada-wide warrant.

“Stephen Lawrence was checking out the girls in Markville Mall when he heard a cry for help,” reads a Toronto Star story from July 8, 1993.

As a college student, he gave CPR to a person he saw collapse outside his window. He caught another would-be thief in St. Catharines. These events just happened, he says. He sees them as fate. He also sees parallels with the real Bruce Wayne, including the death of his father, and martial arts training. Plus he’s secretly been wearing a cape and cowl since age 14. Adopting the hero persona was a natural, if lengthy progression.

I think it’s great to see people take an iconic figure and try to use it in a positive way. From doing charities, fundraisers, or anything to help out a community it’s always  a great thing. Myself and many others around do the same thing that Stephen Lawrence does and I always think it is  awesome to see stories  like this. To see more on Stephen’s back history check out the source. To see what Stephen Lawrence (Brampton Batman) is doing head over to his Facebook page by clicking here . On a side note if you are wondering where he got his suit check out our friends over at UD Repicas and Reevz Fx.

Source- Metro News

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