GameInformer Podcast Reveals Some Details About Batman: Arkham Origins

This week’s GameInformer Podcast features a Q&A with Batman: Arkham Origins creative director Eric Holmes and senior producer Ben Mattes, wherein they reveal some interesting tidbits. Click the jump find out.

I have my fair share of doubts about the Batman: Arkham Origins game, but I’ve come to the conclusion that that’s the fanboy rage in me simply demanding for what I love and what I’m comfortable with. With that mind, I suppose I should just try to relinquish any more doubt for the time being and just hope that WB and DC will not fail us Batman fans. This week’s news makes for some interesting developments.

This week on GameInformer’s podcast, The GameInformer Show, they managed to pull two very important folks on the development team of Batman: Arkham Origins, creative director Eric Holmes and senior producer Ben Mattes. Wisely, GameInfomer went to the fans for some of their burning questions and posed them to said Arkham Origins VIP’s. Though, not the most significant or exciting of news, they are very intriguing and definitely does well to pique my interest.

Here’s the lowdown of some highlights:

  • Some villains will be revealed during the events of Arkham Origins that will not be enticed by the bounty put on the Bats or even have any desire for his death. 
  • The Riddler may be returning.
  • Commissioner Gordon will play a more significant role, as he forges a bond with the Bats.
  • No Batmobile, but the Batwing will make an appearance.
  • During the events of Arkham Origins, Bruce will have been Batman for two years.
  • The playable map of Arkham Origins will be more than twice the size of Arkham City.

The first bullet seems to raise an eyebrow, as it’s obvious they’re trying to be cryptic, but I don’t really have any guesses for the most part. It’s a little too vague. The Riddler’s role in the Arkham games was always a bit superfluous and tedious to me, but I’d be interested to see what he’d have up his sleeve. The expanded role of the Commissioner is very promising and makes perfect sense, considering how young and inexperienced the Bats is and how much additional support you’d think he’d need. Plus, the Commish was always given a very limited role in the previous games and I’d like to see more of him. I’m a little indifferent to the presence of either the Batwing or the Batmobile because they’ve never really been featured in the games and rightly so. And the expanded playing field of Arkham Origins makes sense if it’s set in Gotham, so that’s definitely something to look forward to.

Overall, I’m not particularly enthused by these little tidbits of information surrounding the game, but I still found them worthy of mention and interesting to note.

What do you think? Are you excited about an expanded playing field? Do you want to see more Riddler and Gordon? Let me know.

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Source – GameInformer (Via Arkhamverse)

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