Trinity War: July & August Crossover Event with all 3 Justice League Titles

Almost 2 years ago, the Trinity War hints started with the events at the end of Flashpoint #5 introducing the mystery woman now known as Pandora and a reference to 3 timelines.


Then with the launch of the New 52/DCnU, Pandora made a visit to each of the 1st 52 titles in August & September 2011, a couple #2 issues in October 2011, then the wave 2 titles of the New 52.  People continued to wonder about her appearances.  On FCBD 2012, we got more about Pandora and it started the path to Trinity War with a spread showing Justice League vs Justice League vs others like Vibe, Simon Baz and Black Adam.

Some things have changed since FCBD including the introduction of all the characters in the preview and the debut of the Justice League of America title.  Now it has been revealed what we knew was coming this year.  Trinity War comes July & August to the 3 Justice League titles.  New details emerged yesterday about the event including the lead into the event (a hero’s death):

This summer, DC Comics’ signature supergroups enter into a combustible situation when a hero’s death causes sparks to fly — and not in a good way — among the three teams in the crossover event “Trinity War,” which runs six issues over three different Justice League comic books in July and August.

Also that this event leads into more upcoming with an ironic coincidence that events ending in August led to “crazy stuff” in Flashpoint #5 2 years prior to the end of this event:

The central mystery, conflicts between the teams and assorted plot points of “Trinity War” are all part of one big impending danger that is approaching the DC Universe, says Johns.

“It’s not going to end wrapped up in a bow,” he says. “Something really, really major happens that kicks off some pretty crazy stuff at the end of August.”


The preview image is the covers of Justice League #22, Justice League of America #6, and Justice League Dark #22 in a Triptych cover:

The official July solicits for this will be released later today.  At this point, here is the information on the 3 titles involved:

Justice League #22 – 23: Written by Geoff Johns, illustrated by Ivan Reis and Joe Prado

Justice League of America #6 – 7: Written by Geoff Johns and Jeff Lemire, illustrated by Doug Mahnke

Justice League Dark #22 – 23: Written by Jeff Lemire, illustrated by Mikel Janin


So what do you think of the Trinity War idea?  What role will Batman play in Justice League and Catwoman play in Justice League of America?  What are your thoughts about this event?

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Source: USA Today

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