Red Hood & the Outlaws #16 features the Teen Titans and the Outlaws trying to save Red Hood & Red Robin. Click the jump to see the preview.

PLOT: • “DEATH OF THE FAMILY” continues here! Ties in to this month’s TEEN TITANS #16! Tim Drake and Jason Todd have to survive a confrontation with The Joker and stop their respective teams from killing each other. Considering how well they have worked together in the past, that shouldn’t be a problem, right? RIGHT?

It’s very ambitious of Scott Lobdell (current writer of Teen Titans and Red Hood) to do a small team up with all the characters from both comic book titles, but it seems a bit crazy and fun to have all these characters together. As for the “Death of a Family” tie in with Jason Todd and Tim Drake, it’s best to say that Lobdell as some kind of diabolical plan to have the two former Robins fight each other. It’s a nice way to go about things for this tie-in.

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Source- Comicvine 


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