Eric Gable

Everything you’ve ever wanted out The Dark Knight Trilogy such as more martial arts fight scenes and more bad ass villains for Batman to beat the crap out of. Well…you got it! In this cool new awesome Batman fan-made film, Batman: Evolution. Eric Gable who will star as Batman bringing true grittiness MMA fighting for fans to see. Here’s what Gable has to say about the concept:

Well, there’s a lot of gritty, badass action in this, obviously, but it also has a parody element to it. I want to show how Batman — in a somewhat funny way — transforms from the ’60s look into the “Dark Knight” as we know him today. Hopefully, the fans will be okay with a little Adam West-style fun — with a nod and wink — before we break bad with a truly dark, modern Batman fight. Then a bit of comedy as the Dark Knight runs into the yet-to-evolve, old school— really excited about this and all pumped up from beating on the Black Mask’s goons all day.

Some people might mind the parody, but hopefully that will be just a minor element to bring the movie into the real plot story of Batman vs. Black Mask. For some who have seen the Batman: Evolution image, I think the question is “what’s up with not having a cape or a utility belt?” Gable explains:

That’s actually part of the plot. Black Mask challenges Batman to fight his way through a…through his goons without using his bullet-proof cape and belt full of gadgets — just his fighting skills!

Black Mask

Hmm, sounds IMPRESSIVE! If you haven’t seen the Batman: Evolution image go HERE.  I like the idea of Batman not having his gadgets to save his little ass. It just going to be some real fight scenes going on. I just hope they have a guy who is really good with a camera! Their Black Mask looks menacing as hell! AWESOME! Support the fan made Batman movie by going to Kickstarter and donating!

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Source- Eric Gable  and Kickstarter

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