Truth be told, I loved Batman & Robin #12! Mostly, everyone who’s read that issue really loved the Robins standing together watching Batman fly away to stop a warhead. The whole scene started up a stir with the fans who have their own favorite Robin. Patrick Gleason (artist of Batman & Robin) has been working tirelessly on the whole comic book, he has not failed to disappoint in my opinion.

Gleason released his first sketch of the Robins standing together that is completely different from Issue #12. Here’s what Gleason had to say about both Robin scenes:

Issue #12 Final

I was really glad our writer Pete Tomasi included space for this shot in the most recent issue. It’s one of my favorites (Issue #12 Final above picture).

Original Issue #12 sketch

I originally intended this shot as a cover for  Batman and Robin issue #10. As you can see in my thumbnail sketch below it would have included Batman. Something about Bruce surrounded by all of his ‘sons’. Seemed like a good idea (Original sketch Issue #12 above picture). Ultimately the concept was rejected for the cover. And I was asked to go a different direction.

So what do you think of the original sketch for all the Robins together? Would you have preferred the original sketch to the final one? Comment down below, DKN Facebook, or DKNewsCom.

Source- Patrick Gleason blogspot 

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