Arkham Asylum and Arkham City remain to be the two leading Batman games that has not only made a comic book series out the games, but has also inspired and set game history with its amazing gameplay that is still being popularized today. From Edge, they stated that one of the few things that makes both these games a “Batman” gaming experience is the iconic cape. Here’s what they had to say:

It’s an approach that helps players feel clever and considered – traits that once again communicate the feel of being Batman without having to be the world’s greatest detective. Where the cape fits in is by allowing you to gain this tactical advantage and then apply it in an instant – swooping down from the rafters to deliver a punishing glide kick (at which point the game takes over the steering, providing cinematic precision over pure agency), or positioning yourself in exactly the right spot to set up your next takedown. It’s a brand of brutally efficient play few other protagonists can deliver.

Basically, the cape is a tactical tool to not just overlook the city and to get destinations, but it also allows the players to pick and chose their battles allowing you to do hit & run moves as you please.

What was your cape experience from both Arkham Asylum and Arkham City? Do you think the success of both games and Rocksteady games are defined by Batman’s iconic cape?

Check out the gameplay of Batman’s cape down below. Start at 2:10 of the video clip.

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Source- Edge Online 

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