Snyder & Higgins Grand Design on “Night of The Owls”

CBR on Friday got the chance to talk with writers Scott Snyder (Batman) and Kyle Higgins (Nightwing) on the Court of the Owls and the design of the Night of Owls crossover run .




CBR News: Gents, a lot of fans read your work together in the “Gates of Gotham” mini series that came out last year which dug into the roots of Batman’s home town. Different elements of that series have worked their way through “Night of the Owls,” particularly Kyle’s new issue of “Nightwing.” When you wrote that mini series, Scott, did you have the idea of the Owls in your head, and did you two discuss what became this event back then?

Snyder: It was circulating around my head at that time – the very beginnings of it. I don’t think we talked about it too much.

Higgins: You told me about the Owl’s story before we even did “Gates.” I had just done my first work for DC, which was the Nightrunner backups. I didn’t know this at the time, but apparantly [Editor] Mike Marts had been speaking to you about me. And when the Nightrunner story came out, you Tweeted me saying how much you liked the story, but you credited me the wrong story.

Snyder: Whoops! [Laughter]

Higgins: I Tweeted back that I’d actually written the other one, and you Direct Message me saying, “I’m sorry! That’s the one I meant.” So we got on the phone to talk about me doing more stuff at DC, and you just said, “Let me tell you about what I’m thinking for Batman moving forward.”

Snyder: God, I can’t even believe it was so long ago. It feels like this story’s been in my head for so long that I can’t even remember when everything happened. But I was still on “Detective” when I started on it, so it must have been then. Sometimes a story is with you longer than you perceive.

Higgins: And I remember when we first spoke about it, you were still thinking of writing for Dick Grayson, and that’s where a lot of the Talon connections came from.

Snyder: Yeah, I figured out the Talon stuff that we did in issue #7 with Dick really early, and lot of it grew from there.

Source – CBR

– Adam

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