The Dark Knight Rises Rated PG-13


Yes, that’s right The Dark Knight Rises has been Rated PG-13 by the MPAA. Although not official press release from Warner Bros., or Chris Nolan himself, the rating has been located on WB’s Private Exhibitor Website. Read below for what The Dark Knight Rises has been rated:


“PG-13 for Intense Sequences of Violence & Action, Some Sensuality and Language”


Based on the rating details, I think it’s safe to say ‘The Dark Knight Rises‘ will be Nolan’s deepest & darkest film of the Trilogy. And like Michael Cain said, “I did not think you could get more intense than (The Dark Knight) but it is”.


Another cool tidbit, The Hollywood Reporter recently released an article explaining the rating and what it means about the post production timeline. In the article was a sentence that stirred the Bat Community with Excitement. They stated, “The early rating also fires the starter pistol for the most aggressive phase of Warners’ marketing plan, according to sources.” Could this mean WB & Chris Nolan are gearing up for a huge marketing campaign real soon? Only time will tell, but all I know is I am ready.









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