The Dark Knight Rises Cast Heading to KAPOW: Comic Con 2012 Maybe


There is a Great Chance The Dark Knight Rises will have its own Panel at KAPOW!: Comic Con 2012. Read Below:

Feb 2nd: “Talking to CBR, Mark Millar also revealed the following: Thor and Loki made a big impression last year and the studios were really pleased with the response. We’ve had lots of offers to preview or even screen entire movies, but obviously the con is only on for two days and we have a full line-up as is. We can preview two movies and screen one in total. We’re keen to hear from readers what they suggest. We’re going to have the cast of an upcoming comic-book movie live on stage. You’ll hear what this in the next few weeks and this is one of several enormous announcements we’re breaking exclusively on CBR between now and May 2 when the full blockbuster movie and television line-up is being announced. But until that cast can be unveiled, the organizer was happy to announce that Kapow! will be recorded for television this year and highlights broadcast a week after the event. Music and movie news is considered mainstream enough for television. We even have the Glastonbury Highlights Show in the UK broadcast soon after the musical festival here every Summer. Spider-Man and Batman are bigger than any band, and I want to have an interview on TV be as important as an interview with a rock star or movie star. We’ve been doing a lot of work putting this together in the background and the visibility on terrestrial television after the event is going to take Kapow! to a whole new level. As far as I’m aware, nobody’s ever done anything like this with a comic show before. I’m curious to know which comic book movie cast will appear at the event. The logical suggestion would be The Avengers, but seeing as Kapow! takes place after the movie is released in the UK, my money is on The Dark Knight Rises as that has a bigger cast than The Amazing Spider-Man.

March 12th: Mark Millar wrote in his Forums of MillarWorld and said this….

“Oh God yes!!! The A-list comic talent continues as DC’s greatest current writer Scott Snyder and Ultimate Spidey uber-artist Sara Pichelli join KAPOW Guest of Honour JOE QUESADA and more to make the comic book section of this May’s show even more outstanding! Joining the Bat-Scribe and Spidey-artist in our latest announcement are Duncan Fegrado, Becky Cloonan, Barry Kitson, Kate Brown, Emma Vieceli and Titan Books/ Clint publisher Nick Landau.Today begins a spectacular week of DAILY KAPOW announcements on Newsarama. These will be released at 6am UK time and leading into a series of eight KAPOW MONDAY major film and TV announcements leading up to the May 2nd feast when the full comic, TV and blockbuster movie schedule will be released online for the May19th and 20th 2012 show!!”

“Wait until you see the TV and movie people.

“Iconic much?
“It’s exciting. I’m looking at the press releases for every day this week… plus the Kapow Mondays PR releases for the next 8 weeks… and it’s insane.”

“VIP tix and tables almost gone. Still about 30% of the weekend tix left (capacity of 5.5K a day with all the halls booked), but these will go immediately as soon as the movie and TV guests announced. That’s what happened last year and this year’s line up is even better. One of these movies has the biggest cult following around right now so those fans will just come in and take em all.

More soon

“VIPs almost gone, but they guarantee you into EVERY panel. At SDCC the main hall holds 7000 people and maybe 50,000 want in so people can queue for up to a day. At Kapow we limit the lines to one hour before every panel, but 5.5K a day and 750 seater halls mean you have much better chance of getting into a particular thing you want to see. But VIP pass GUARANTEES you get in, whether it’s a talk by your favourite writer or actor or the premiere of a big Summer movie you want to see over these 2 days.

“Movie X is being announced BEFORE the show this year, btw. We’re putting together something for Friday that gives you the lowdown on when the big multimedia announcements are getting made.”

“Who are the brand new comic-book A-listers joining Kapow tomorrow morning???

We’ve got daily releases coming and leading into a massive news release every Monday until May 2nd when the full series of comic-book, movie and TV announcements will be made. Last year was the best con I’ve ever been to in the UK (Thor, Loki, John Romita, Duncan Jones,Leinil Yu, Frank Quitely, the Attack The Block Boys, Noel Clarke, Bryan Hitch, Jonathan Ross ET AL).

But this year is even better. Guest of Honour Joe Quesada and the biggest comic stars in the world plus the biggest actors and directors from the big Summer superhero movies and TV shows.”

What do you think? Everyone is guessing The Dark Knight Rises but what does everyone on here think? Comment Below.






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