Hot Toys to Release Batmissile Vehicle

Adult collectible toy makers Hot Toys released images for the Batmissile car from Batman Returns.

Hot off of the announcement for the Batman figure from Returns, the Batmissile will also be an additional accessory. Fans of the movie will recall the memorable scene where the Batmobile is being chased by the police. But when faced with a narrow alleyway, Batman unleashed the Batmobile’s function of stripping off the side pieces and turning it into the Batmissile- giving him the opportunity to escape the police.


Batmissile Features

The Hot Toys version is supposed to be a 1/6th scaled replica of the sleek vehicle. And yes, it can fit the Hot Toys Batman figure into the cockpit, since it is the same scale. Since this is Hot Toys, you know they will go all out to make this collectible item as detailed as possible.

Features on the vehicle include: 8 rotating rubber wheels; an interior dashboard with a LED light-up panel; a light-up  muffler to simulate the flame coming out of the back; and canopy cockpit door that actually can slide open and closed.

These features will definitely go together nicely with the Hot Toys Batmobile, no? Hot Toys is selling the Batmissile for $610 USD. It will be available sometime between October 2025 and March 2026. You can pre-order it here.


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