Review: Nightwing #118

“Fallen Grayson” – Finale
Writer: Tom Taylor
Artists: Bruno Redondo and Caio Filipe
Color Artist: Adriano Lucas
Letterer: Wes Abbott
Review by James Attias

Nightwing #118 is the finale outing for the dynamic duo of Nightwing and Tom Taylor.I don’t know what made me cry more, The story itself or knowing the next issue will be written by someone else. Let’s swing in!


Heartless AF

What a wonderful run this has been, Nightwing at his absolute Nightwing-iest! A light hero, with strong ties to the history of DC, Batman and many many more. This issue ties up all the loose ends perfectly, and at the same time keeps the focus on Dick Grayson and Blüdhaven. The main character can so often be overlooked in the final issue of a story, by all of the intertwining elements. Let’s talk about this issue though. I could so easily talk about the entire run for 10,000 words, let’s focus on this wonderful finale.
We see in this issue that Heartless is (and always was) a complete loon. Him and his evil Butler are just bloodthirsty murderous psychos. Dead set on destroying The Haven and Dick Grayson, and taking his heart in the process. As if we needed anymore reason to dislike them.
The root of this story, and this character growth for Dick, was always coming home, and being true to who he is and always was. Who Alfred raised him to be. A hero, with and without the mask. A truly wonderful arc, absolutely drenched in healthy father-son love. Can’t praise it enough.

Tom Taylor & Bruno Redondo: Heroes

The art in the issue, (and this entire run) has been perfect. From new adventurous ways of storytelling, to cameos from the cast of The Office. Bruno Redondo, as well as everyone else who has been involved. The artist who follows this, will have their work cut out for them. I’m worried that unless the next issue absolutely blows my mind. I’ll have misplaced rage towards the new team. It won’t be their fault, but I can already see it coming. As for the writing. The wonderful, heartwarming, heartbreaking, tears of joy, tears of sadness. Tom Taylor has exploded in the last 5 years at DC, he was always good, he was always around. But finally he has been getting his due. This run may go down as the best Nightwing run ever (in my books it is) we will all miss you on this title, and we’re all looking forward to Detective Comics. Until then. Sir, it has been an honor reviewing this title. I know my late, great colleague Steve J Ray would feel the same.


Nightwing #118 is the finest of fine farewells. Read it, read the entire run. Laughs, tears and joy. Next issue, different creative team, different threats, Same Nightwing! See you then folks!

Review Written to Honor Steve J Ray – May he Rest in Peace.

Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment

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