Review: Titans #15

“The Dark Winged Queen” – Finale
Writer: Tom Taylor
Artist: Lucas Meyer
Color Artist: Adriano Lucas
Letterer: Wes Abbott
Review by James Attias

Titans #15 brings the saga of The Dark Winged Queen to an epic conclusion! 

Two Sides To Every Demon

Firstly I’ll start with two points. Point one: I was about to be grumbly nerd when I started this issue, as I was concerned that Absolute Power is almost over and the Titans have been a huge part of it, and it was never mentioned in this or this was never mentioned in Absolute Power. BUT there was a small disclaimer at the beginning and end of this issue which dealt with my concerns. Point two: I will not be able to talk too much about this issue as practically anything I say could be a spoiler. So this review… like me… Will be short and sweet.


Titans Assemble,  To Me My Titans, Titans Together, Titans GO!

This issue was perfectly drawn, like I’m talking, every character, every color, every element was perfect. I would love to get some textless art from this book and get it framed, or on a t-shirt. Seriously, beautiful, hats off to Lucas Meyer, that bar is always so high. The writing, in true Tom Taylor fashion was exquisite, showing pure love and knowledge of every character shown. The way Beast Boy’s story and Raven’s story have come on, developed and grown –  almost a two year stretch building to this. Was fantastic. We bid Taylor farewell from this issue, as he moves over to another title I review Detective Comics! He will be sorely missed, and I hope the next team puts the amount of fun, emotion and creativity into their run.
But to Tom Taylor. Thank you. You rock. 


Titans #15 F***ing Rocks man. Read it. ASAP. (sorry for the use of ** language. But seriously dudes… This issue Kicks @$$)

Review Written to Honor Steve J Ray – May he Rest in Peace.

Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment

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