Barry Keoghan is Ready For ‘The Batman 2’

The Batman Joker actor Barry Keoghan has shared details about his process of turning into the Joker.

The actor discussed what it’s really like to try and play a character that’s been so well-regarded by fans for decades. Keoghan was honest on how overwhelming stepping into the Clown Prince of Crime’s shoes can be. Fortunately, he also found a way to ground himself.

It was intimidating, but if you stay true to yourself, that in itself is new. I know that sounds pretty lame, but I’m a big believer that if I’m myself, whatever I do is going to be completely fresh and unique.

Beyond that, Keoghan said that it takes a lot of prep work to get into the mindset of the Joker. Not only did he have to endure hours of prosthetics and makeup, but he also needed to dive deep into the character’s thoughts before he could even shoot his first scene.

You build the character up before production, get familiar with their world, build a mood board, listen to the music they do, kind of dress like them, answer all the copybook questions you’ve written down — and then go on set and let the instincts take over.

This prep is very reminiscent of Heath Ledger’s process for getting into character for the Joker. Ledger used to isolate himself and write journals as the Joker prior to shooting The Dark Knight.

Barry Keoghan on ‘The Batman 2’

Barry Keoghan also dropped an interesting tidbit: he’s already planning for the Joker to be in The Batman sequel. In fact, Keoghan’s already developed a background for the character if he returns for the sequel.

I already have a back story that I’ve created in case it [the Joker in The Batman 2] does happen — a totally fresh way of playing him.

Full disclosure, there are no firm plans for The Batman 2 yet. Outside of an announcement that director Matt Reeves and Robert Pattinson are returning, there are no other details. However, Reeves is in the process of producing a series of The Batman-spin off films starring various rogues’ gallery members, and the Penguin TV show, featuring Colin Farrel’s now legendary Oswald Cobblepot. Perhaps Keoghan’s Joker could appear there too?


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