Scott Snyder Reveals New Art from ‘Justice League’ #3

The incomparable Scott Snyder has officially taken over the reins of another DC flagship title, Justice League. Ever wondered what this extremely talented writer could do with not just Batman, but the whole Justice League? You don’t have to anymore as Justice League #1 and #2 are currently on digital and physical shelves. Our Editor-in-Chief is currently loving Snyder’s run, take a look at his reviews here and here.

But today, we’re not focusing on the great Scott Snyder, but rather the person who’s currently putting his ideas into a visual feast. On Thursday, Snyder took to Twitter to reveal new art from the upcoming Justice League #3, penciled by current JL artist, Jorge Jimenez. And it’s absolutely gorgeous!

It’s an interesting take on the Joker. The level of details in the normalcy of his features make him the most human I’ve seen him in a long time. But it seems that’s part of why it’s so terrifying. It’s more realistic and therefore, very unnerving. When creating the Joker, artists tend to make him look more cartoonishly freaky or monstrously horrifying, so much so that there’s a certain divide. The character often looks and feels like a comic book character. It makes it so that there’s a barrier there, giving you a sense of security that he can’t be real. But this piece almost makes it seem like he could be lurking over your shoulder.

So far, the first two issues haven’t featured the Joker prominently. He did have a few lines in #1, but it looks like the gloves are coming off for #3. Jimenez looks like he’s going to have a blast with this iconic character.

Justice League #3 hits shelves on July 4th, the US Independence Day! Celebrate America by reading a comic book!

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