Preview: Batman & Robin Eternal #25

Batman & Robin Eternal #25 is now available for purchase.  Check out the preview and some relevant information pertaining to the release.  Enjoy…

Writers: Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV, Steve Orlando

Pencillers: Javi Pina, Goran Sudzuka

Colors: Chris Sotomayor

Letters: Marilyn Patrizio

Cover Art: Alvaro Martinez, Raul Fernandez, Tomeau Morey

Here’s DC’s synopsis:

It’s the catastrophic conclusion of the acclaimed weekly series that brings together all of Batman’s one-time partners! Mother’s trap has been sprung, and the whole world is feeling her wrath! Can Dick Grayson pull together his allies to fight an entire army of foes? Is one among them still under Mother’s control? And what will become of Cassandra Cain? You won’t believe how huge this battle can become!

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