Synopsis: The team-up you never saw coming… Alfred Pennyworth and… Bane?!
You read that correctly. Alfred and Bane fight together in this week’s issue of Eternal. I’ll just cut to the chase. This was a pretty good issue. Better than we’ve seen, yet not the best we’ve seen. Writer Ray Fawkes takes us back into (what’s left of) Arkham, where Bane saves Bruce Wayne’s most loyal butler. He then leads him through the underground, albeit a rough one, to a surprising location that THIS guy won’t spoil. Let’s just say Alfred is back.
Also happening down under, Batman battles the Joker’s daughter. If anyone can shed some light on this part of the story, I’m all ears.
We also find out a certain member of the Bat-team isn’t dead and that, too, is all we know.
Overall, another valiant effort from the Eternal gang. We have 31 issues in the can, with 21 to go. How do YOU think it will end?
Rating: 6.5/10