Review: I Am Batman #12
“The Right Question” Writer: John Ridley Artist: Christian Duce Color Artist: Rex Lokus Letterer: Troy Peteri Review…
“The Right Question” Writer: John Ridley Artist: Christian Duce Color Artist: Rex Lokus Letterer: Troy Peteri Review…
“She Got Next” – Part One Writer: John Ridley Artists: Christian Duce, Tom Derenick Color Artist: Rex…
“Bound To Our Will” – Part Four, “Right Answer, Wrong Question”, “Memory Lane” – Part One, “Hounded”…
“The Biggest Score Ever” – Conclusion, and “Wolves at the Door” Writers: Brian Michael Bendis, Ram V…
“The Biggest Score Ever” – Part One, and “A Knight Reborn” Writers: Brian Michael Bendis, Ram V…
Checkmate #3 from Brian Michael Bendis has all the pieces it needs to be an incredible spy thriller, but it doesn’t quite stick the landing.
Checkmate #2 doesn’t fire on the same cylinders that the first issue did, but there’s still time for the series to find its footing.
“DC Pride” Writers: James Tynion IV, Steve Orlando, Vita Ayala, Mariko Tamaki, Sam Johns, Danny Lore, Sina…
“1992-2007: Renee Montoya” Writer: John RidleyArtists: Giuseppe Camuncoli and Andrea CucchiColor Artist: Jose VillarrubiaLetterer: Steve Wands Review…
“Leviathan Dawn” Writer: Brian Michael Bendis Artist: Alex Maleev Letterer: Joshua Reed Review by Bryant Lucas Heroes…