Review: Batman: The Brave & The Bold #6
Batman: The Brave & The Bold #6 Writers: Guillem March, Ed Brisson, Rob Williams, Sean Lewis Artists:…
Batman: The Brave & The Bold #6 Writers: Guillem March, Ed Brisson, Rob Williams, Sean Lewis Artists:…
Batman: The Brave & The Bold #5 Writers: Tom King, Ed Brisson, Rob Williams Artists: Mitch Gerads,…
Batman: The Brave & The Bold #4 Writers: Colin Kelly, Jackson Lanzing, Ed Brisson, Rob Williams, Meghan…
Batman: The Brave & The Bold #3 Writers: Dennis Culver, Ed Brisson, Christopher Cantwell, Collin Kelly, Jackson…
Batman: The Brave & The Bold #2 Writers: Tom King, Ed Brisson, Christopher Cantwell, Joëlle Jones Artists:…
Batman: The Brave & The Bold #1 Writers: Tom King, Ed Brisson, Christopher Cantwell, Dan Mora Artist:…
DC Comics will publish a new ongoing Batman: The Brave and the Bold anthology comic series. The…