Review: Titans #16

“Stitches in Time” – Part One
Writer: John Layman
Artist: Pete Woods
Letterer: Wes Abbott
Review by James Attias

Titans #16 is All in! They’re now Justice League members. This issue brings the past of the team, to lead us into the future! 

To Beast or Not To Beast. That is The Question!

We’re in the present. This issue takes place after the events of DC’s All In Special. So we now need to know how the Titans, who have been the leading Superhero team in the DC universe will now proceed with the Justice League now reformed, all the Titans are all full card carrying members. So this is the first issue of the new creative team, who had a tough act to follow. But would you believe they ticked all my boxes?!. Beautiful art, tick. Continuity cared for, tick. Team members affected by the last story/stories, tick. I could keep going. In fact the only element of this issue that gave me the grumpies was the fact that the team is starting to change. But that was always the case with the Titans, I’ll just miss some of the character dynamics. Well written though!


Then. Now. Titans Forever.

Following the Titan Tom Taylor was never going to be easy. Then following Absolute Power, was never going to be easy. Following the Earth shattering DC All In Special, was always going to be interesting. John Layman you’re off to a great start. I can’t say I’m familiar with your name, but I have definitely read some books that you’ve been involved in. As Palpatine says to Anakin in The Phantom Menace… “We will follow your career with great interest”. As for the art, it was lovely. The new look for The Flash is awesome, love the chin strap and the black, Beast Boy with a ponytail, (Hair not Butt) looked great. Everyone and everything was popping off the page. Honestly this issue was a great read.


Titans #16 was a really fun read, that sets the team onto a new story and in a new direction. I really liked it, and can’t wait for the next issue!

Review Written to Honor Steve J Ray – May he Rest in Peace.

Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment

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