Review: Birds of Prey #14

Bird Undercover” – Part One

Writer: Kelly Thompson
Artists: Sami Basri
Color Artist: Adriano Lucas
Letterer: Clayton Cowles
Review by Fay Clark

We have seen the Birds change teams and mold into who they need to be for the current mission. Once again, we get a few staple characters in Birds of Prey #14 and then some new players. Let’s join them to see what chaos we have in store for us now!

Totally Spies

Has someone been listening to my innermost thoughts? Because Kelly Thompson is giving me things I’ve wished for in Birds of Prey #14. More Cass being the front person of the team. Cassandra Cain is the best at everything. She is such a versatile character, but never gets to show it. We have seen Cass step up a few times in previous issues. Obviously in this new arc and current mission, she is once again getting to be an integral member of the plan. As she should be.

We are once again introduced to new people who are going to become honorary members of the Birds. They have come in and immediately fit right in with the ladies that are still in the rotation. Kelly Thompson has smashed the stereotype of women not supporting each other. There is nothing more beautiful than Black Canary wanting to sell tickets to fight training because it will be a good show of her team’s strength.

Beautifully Beating People Up

Sami Basri is our artist in Birds Of Prey #14, and has come onto the series swinging. Literally, there are many, many fight panels. I really like the art style of Basri, it’s realistic while somehow being comic based. It’s a lot more of a modern style than what we have been seeing in previous issues. When you add the color styling of Adriano Lucas you get some really great panels to look at. The detailing on the fight scenes and the way their bodies move is so expertly done.


We get more Birds, and more chaos. While I might be missing some of the original members of the team, I like how Thompson is mixing it up so we don’t get too used to the members. It’s always fresh and new arcs bring more fun and shenanigans.

Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment 

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