Review: Justice Society of America #11

The Gentleman’s Game
Writer: Geoff Johns
Artist: Marco Santucci
Color Artist: Ivan Plascencia
Letterer: Rob Leigh
Review by: Kendra Smart

Justice Society of America #11 is so fast-paced, it is breath-taking.  I have been waiting for the shoes to drop and for big changes to come. You know, the ribbon and bow moments arcs have when all the questions that have been nagging you are finally acknowledged and pushed aside for the thrill of the next. We get that, my friends, that and so much more.  Things happen very fast and we see a lot in Justice Society of America #11, so let’s settle in and devour a much needed meal. 

“This Is Mordru”

Helena narrates a stunning recap of who Mordru was known to be in the past, and his power. A power that would be stopped by Superboy and his Legion of Superheroes. A beautiful splash page introduces us to our heroes. As Helena continues her story, we see the many faces of Mordru, including the one who has come to ask someone who has already changed their future, for better or worse, for help. Helena, like her Mother, has a heart for those seen as “lost causes”, it is what has held her belief in her team of the JSA from the Future, and the Past. That fierce dedication has inspired her newly found and formed team in the past to stand by their ideals and stop the Legion from taking Mordru.

But as Helena finishes recapping what has led to here, here is before us. A war has erupted between not only these fellow heroes, but friends.  In a massive show of force, each team tries to take the most peaceful route they know but each stands stubborn in their causes. Neither giving ground. But Mordru senses something off, and the real reason for this brawl is revealed by Khalid, Doctor Fate, as he rejoins his friends along with the Legion of Substitute Heroes. There is a traitor in their midst, and they are the ones fueling this fire…but who? Will either team come to their senses in time to stop the true threat?

“What’s Next?”

Justice Society of America #11 is genuinely the best work of fast paced moving I have seen in a while. Geoff Johns is able to relay so much information so quickly, and there is no loss of story nor does the art suffer because of transitions. No, I raise you that the way Justice Society of America #11 moves only serves to amplify and pinpoint the importance of the words and art that much more.

The first few pages alone are staggering in their brilliance and fluidity. The level of detail that Marco Santucci evokes in scenes such as the Mordru and the Khalid moments are ones that shine. Ivan Plascencia and Marco create this atmosphere, tension. The whole team plays their parts with Geoff setting the stage with this climactic section of  story that leaves literally no room for error.  Rob Leigh cements all of their work by showing off his master craft with lettering. 

The ending? PERFECTION. 


If I could change one thing? What would I ask? More battle? I don’t think so.  Was the end swift? Convenient? I think it is far more telling, a left open answer until it is answered. There are some amazing moments to be found in Justice Society of America #11. From the Mikel Janin cover, to the passion and research and genuine love for comics as a medium. This series really feels like a love letter from creators to fans, to show that they love the thrill of a good read with your favorite characters too. Such an amazing book. 

Until next time, my friends. 

Images Provided Courtesy of DC Entertainment.

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