Review: Batman and Robin #12

“To The Death”
Writer: Joshua Williamson
: Juan Ferreyra
Letterer: Steve Wands
Review by James Attias

Batman and Robin #12 is a love letter to Damian and Alfred’s relationship, with a bunch of great action and truly wonderful writing!


Last issue we saw Bane wreck a T-Rex, as if it was nothing, he then went on a murder spree and made short work of the Kobra Cult. This issue, we have Vengeance vs Batman, Robin vs Bane and everyone gets to ride a dinosaur. This book is nuts!
Aside from the mad action packed dino fights, this issue is laced with several one page flashbacks, each showing a somber moment from past stories, in which Alfred and Damian interact. These are not just randomly thrown in, these are some of the most important moments in young Damian’s life. Some people overlook the fact that Bruce and Damian didn’t get along at first. So perhaps the first person in Damian’s life who was genuinely kind to him was Alfred.

Dr Vengeance and Mr Bane

One element of this book that I found interesting was the art. Such warm moments between a boy and his father figure. Contrasted with dinosaurs and a pair of giant steroid using murderers. Made for an interesting read. Also having the flashbacks in black, white and red was also a very interesting creative touch. Seeing Batman fight against Bane’s female clone (who is treated by audiences and characters alike as if she was his daughter) was interesting. As Batman didn’t break a sweat. With Robin fighting against Bane, I always read anyone fighting Bane with a small bead of fear, as he is a killer and I worry he could kill anyone at any time. The tension is great. Writing wise, can’t fault it. Loving this story, excited for what’s in store next.


Batman and Robin #12 ticked all of my boxes, I cannot wait to see where Williamson goes next with this story, I hope the pay off matches the build. 

Review Written to Honor Steve J Ray – May he Rest in Peace.

Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment

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