Review: Detective Comics #1087

Gotham Nocturne: Act Three – “Crescendo” – Part Four, and “Bonk”.
Writers: Ram V and Dan Watters
Artists: Christian Duce, Stefano Raffaele and Francesco Francavilla
Color Artists: Luis Guerrero and Francesco Francavilla
Letterers: Ariana Maher and Steve Wands
Review by James Attias

Detective Comics #1087 is the best issue of this title in months, heroes, villains and monsters all battling it out for the soul of Gotham! 

Dark Detective

I have not suffered in silence throughout this series, I have often complained and moaned about how things were not done, told or drawn to my liking. This issue was a pleasant surprise. I love long term storytelling… I can’t tell you how wonderful it is when a story you read a long time ago comes back full circle to affect the now. This story is starting to act like that, but it’s still not perfect.
I almost ran into Ram V at this year’s Olympia Comic Con. We missed each other though, I imagine he would have taken a swing at me if he’d read any of my reviews. But I would have loved to sit with him and see what his original plan for this title was. Has anything he’s written been changed or had a change in direction due to higher ups etc. With Tom Taylor taking on the title soon, it will be interesting to see if this story is tied up with a nice neat bow or if some threads will be left dangling.

Monster Squad

This issue did give us some fantastic moments with some of Gotham’s rogues joining the battle against the Orghams, seeing heroes and villains team up to take on a bigger threat is always fun, as there is a tension for the temporary truce.
The artwork this issue was beautiful, some wonderful silent moments, as well as some grizzly characters really popped on the page. 


The back up story this issue was decent too, we have Nightwing, Cassandra Cain and Azrael, helping during the chaos. With Nightwing showing a real distrust for Jean Paul. Seeing these two together again, after the events of Knightfall was fun. Over all a fun read. They did go a bit Marvel with a joke in the story, but other than that. I enjoyed this tale of second chances.


Detective Comics #1087 was a better issue, with better art and better writing. I hope the conclusion to this story follows suit and leaves me pleasantly surprised.

Review Written to Honor Steve J Ray – May he Rest in Peace.

Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment

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