Review: Harley Quinn #35

“Dr. Quinn, Muliversal Woman”
Writers: Tini Howard and Hannah Rose May
Artists: Logan Fareber and Leomacs
Color Artists: Triona Farrell and Jason Wordie
Letterers: Steve Wands and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou
Review by Kendra Smart

Watch And Learn, Kids, This Will Be On The Test

Harley Quinn #35 is upon us this holiday week and the treats it brings! A stunning Sweeney Boo cover for starters. Professor Harley’s leading the charge with her students in tow, ready for battle… but is that really how the story goes? With all the ins and outs, the whosits and whatsits, it becomes hard to make heads or tails out of the situation. Lux and Harley have been looking into just who’s after Ms. Quinn and why.

In the last issue, we watched as the digital form of Harley, Harley.exe, made its way through the world, learning and adjusting. Let’s land right back in that scene and dig in!

Starting With The .Exe In The Mirror

Harley’s feeling reasonably safe in the arms of her love, who would suspect a virus version of herself would not only sneak in but hack her email account? Her digital version has emailed invites for a “study session” to four of Harley’s students and Kevin! Kevin hasn’t spoken to Harls since he called the cops on her, and he wants to, so he shows up to the meeting. Of course… there are consequences.

Oh, The Mellow Drama Llama Of It All

This issue sets us up nicely for a lot of plot lines to get pulled together. Tini Howard really has layered things up splendidly. Logan Faerber and Triona Farrell also work brilliantly together, giving us many wonderful visual moments. Meeting Professor Harley .exe was so great and her character has really grown on me… or maybe that was just a virus. I also really enjoyed seeing Kevin trying to make peace with Harley, it was a moment I was waiting for as a reader.

Getting another “dream” short story’s always welcome, too. This one’s titled “The One With Dinosaurs In The Jungle”. Written by Hannah Rose May, with art by Leomacs, colors by Jason Wordie, and letters provided by Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, it’s a whimsical jaunt; kind of like “Indiana Harls and the Kryptonite Totem Adventure”, with Amanda Waller as a Professor and Croc and a parrot as pals. 


Readers are given a lot to digest at once as things are moving faster. Harley Quinn #35 sets us up for what should prove to be an insightful start to the new year and I for one can’t wait!

Happy Holidays!

Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment

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