Review: Batgirls #9

Batgirl Summer
Writers: Becky Cloonan & Michael W. Conrad
Artist: Neil Googe
Color Artist: Rico Reniz
Letterer: Becca Carey
Review by Fay Clark

Things have been very tense for the Batgirls of late. Even with some extra help, they haven’t managed to get rid of what’s been plaguing them. I’m hoping we get to see a more relaxed version of everyone in Batgirls #9, so here’s to chilling with the ladies.

Sizzling Summer

This story’s so relevant to what’s going on in my life right now; the summertime being way too hot… and vigilantes. Okay, maybe not so much that last one, not from lack of trying though! Becky Cloonan and Michael W. Conrad have been so awesome lately that they’ve given everyone a break. It’s all been too much!

I was wondering what was going to happen in this issue, and this was not what I was expecting. We love a relaxing read, just chilling out a bit and seeing friends really boosts your energy. Cloonan and Conrad clearly know how to this point across as, not only do Babs, Cass, and Steph get to chill out, but The Batgirls get their moment too.

Feelin’ Hot, Hot, HOT!

As we’re currently in the middle of a heat wave in the UK, I empathized with our heroes so much! It’s hard enough for me to deal with work clothes in this heat, let alone a leathery/spandex crime-fighting uniform. I thought the Batgirls my respect and admiration for the ladies couldn’t get any stronger, but I was WRONG. What the girls are dealing with shows that they’re extremely tough and can put up with a lot. We have new artists joining the journey in this chapter and Neil Googe and Rico Reniz have come in and made a massive splash.

Even if it wasn’t hot in the UK right now, I would’ve been able to feel it due to artistic awesomeness. There are certain panels in particular that make me think of summer and sweltering heat. I loved the new style we got to see, as I think all the different styles suit different Batgirls. This one seems to work best with Cass’ look and the color work from Reniz was great. It’s a very vibrant-looking issue, which is what we love to see.


This feels a bit like a filler episode of your favorite TV show, as not much happens until the end, but we still enjoy the ride and love spending time with the characters. Batgirls #9 sets things up for the next arc, but also just lets us settle after the previous high-action, fast-paced issues.

Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment

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