Review: Suicide Squad: Blaze #3

“Suicide Squad: Blaze” – Part Three
Writer: Simon Spurrier
Artist: Aaron Campbell
Color Artist: Jordie Bellaire
Letterer: Aditya Bidikar
Review by Adam Ray

Suicide Squad Blaze #3 rounds out the three-part story with a classic mix of stunning visuals and deep cuts on the superhero storytelling world.

We saw how things worked in the previous issue, as the mission of this version of the Suicide Squad failed spectacularly. We can always expect our favorite pack of anti-heroes to be at their worst, but when presented in an issue this rich and beautiful to behold, how could anyone not be drawn into the story?

Throughout this run, Suicide Squad: Blaze has presented us with the most unlikely form of collateral damage as the characters have been given the powers they need, to follow along with the likes of King Shark, Harley Quinn, and Peacemaker. We get a very strong but very close look at what a civilian would go through when pulled into the world of Taskforce X. This is truly terrifying. The scientific experiments are the kind of ringer common in comics but things we don’t want to go through.

This title is truly beautiful to behold. Aaron Campbell brings us truly realistic shapes and character tones, while Jordie Bellaire contrasts this with truly psychedelic tones and palates that spread across the entire page. We usually associate the Suicide Squad with a gritty realism that ought to be close to our own world, with the chance for cosmic choices and possibilities. This art team has made Blaze a unique title that will stick in many people’s minds for years to come.


Suicide Squad Blaze #3 dramatically ends a stunningly beautiful, and deeply uncompromising, look at Taskforce X. This series has delivered a masterful work of many excellent comics creators coming together to create something truly unique.

Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment

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