Review: Nightwing #92

“The Battle For Blüdhaven’s Heart”
Writer: Tom Taylor
Artist: Bruno Redondo
Color Artist: Adriano Lucas
Letterer: Wes Abbott
Review by Steve J. Ray

After defeating the KGBeast and an army of assassins, Blockbuster is out for Dick Grayson’s blood, yes that’s right, I said Dick Grayson. In Nightwing #92 the two men come face to face at last, and neither man will back down. The battle for Blüdhaven’s heart is about to begin.

Month after month this creative team puts a smile on my face, and every now and then they also bring a tear to my eye. Rarely does one get to read a comic that perfectly balances action, humor, heart, characterization, and cameos that will make fanboys and fangirls squee with delight. Dick and Babs get a visit from two superstars (plus we get a mention of a third) and Mr. Desmond also has unexpected company.

Every single review I write for this series says the same thing; the writing, art, colors, and lettering on Nightwing are always amazing. After yet another stellar example in this issue, though, I can categorically state that no one, but no one, puts together a flashback sequence like Tom Taylor, Bruno Redondo, Adriano Lucas, and Wes Abbott.

Nightwing #92 begins with a scene set in Batman, Robin, and Batgirl’s past, which also features (yet another) wonderful Alfred moment. The script, visuals, and captions all feel like they could’ve come from any book published in the 70s or 80s featuring these characters, so as someone who was reading comics back then, these pages really made me smile. Wes even made the pages look hand-lettered!

Now I have to talk about the page that brought a lump to my throat, and a tear to my eye.

Back in Nightwing #79 (this creative team’s second issue) Dick and Babs grabbed a Blüdhaven slice from Marv & George’s pizza. That particular scene made me very happy. Don’t get me wrong, this page made me happy too, but it also broke my heart. When issue #79 came out the world was unaware of just how ill George Pérez was, so seeing Dick and Babs walking past George waving with love from his pizza truck, with Dick waving back while Marv looks on, felt like a wonderful tribute and a sad farewell.

Bruno and Adriano have to commended for this page. The expression on Dick’s face, and the way that George and Marv seem to be looking at Mr. Grayson like proud dads, is simply beautiful (particularly when we get to the bottom of the page and learn that his actual Bat-Dad has come to visit). I’m going to scan and enlarge this page when I pick up the physical book, and frame it. The art and Adriano’s stunning colors make it more than worthy of that treatment.

When reading this issue, fellow DKN reviewer (and my offspring) Adam Ray, said to me,

It’s good to know that, while George may not be writing or drawing stories anymore, we now know that he’ll be enjoying a slice of pizza in the Haven with Babs, Dick, and all the fans who love him… forever.

Thank you, Marv. Thank you, George we all love you and will miss you so much. Thank you, Tom, Bruno, Adriano, and Wes.

When you all get to see this page, if you don’t feel the same way, then you must be dead inside. I was originally going to call you heartless… but that’s someone else, entirely


I’ve read this comic three times since it landed, and will probably read the physical copy at least half a dozen times when it hits the shelves. All the covers are beautiful, the interior art is every bit as good, and it’s written from the heart.

Every person who loves comics should be reading this series.

Images Courtesy of DC Entertainment

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