‘Batwoman’ Show Introduces New Poison Ivy And Joker

As the CW’s Batwoman rolls into their Season 3 mid-season finale, the shows producers have announced that their versions of Poison Ivy and Joker will be coming to the show!

The first look of the newest version of Ivy, played by Nicole Kang, was released on Twitter earlier this week. Wearing her signature green and with two of her beloved flytraps, one with a Batarrang in its mouth, she looks as amazing and fierce and powerful as you’d expect. 

This new Poison Ivy is a little different than what most fans are used to, however. Instead of being Dr. Pamela Isley’s alter ego, she will be introduced into Batwoman as Kate Kane’s stepsister, Mary Hamilton. Her powers and love of plants will remain the same, but it’s unknown if this will be where the similarities end. Either way, seeing her in action will be amazing.

Around the same time as this tweet, Nick Creegan, playing Marquis Jet, said in an interview with TVLine:

I thought it was just [auditioning for] Marquis Jet, this sexy playboy who was arrogant and he gets everything he needs from his mother. Funny enough, I wore a purple shirt in my audition. Two weeks before I flew out to Vancouver [where Batwoman films], I had a FaceTime meeting with [showrunner] Caroline Dries, and she was like, ‘Hey, Nick… There’s really no other way to say this, but you become the new Joker.’ My face was frozen, and my jaw literally dropped. I was immediately shocked, excited, scared, intimidated. I had all of the feelings all at once. So I knew right before I flew out to Vancouver to start shooting.

After Season 3, Episode 9 “Pick Your Poison” fans of Batwoman began to suspect something when his character appeared on screen with his hair dyed purple.

He continued by saying:

Marquis has a way with his words. He’s very charismatic and charming. I think he draws people in with the way he’s able to speak to an audience. In Episode 7, you see that when he makes that speech at the end and poses certain questions that make you wonder, ‘Is he crazy? Or could I understand why somebody might feel the way he feels?’ In later episodes, people will definitely be able to relate to some of the things he’s saying. I don’t condone any harm on other human beings, but in terms of his philosophy on treating people with mental illness fairly and not just treating them like a pariah, I think people will be able to agree with that part. Marquis is one of the most complicated characters in the series. I feel like my rendition of him is pointed towards making people think more deeply about mental health and awareness, and how we treat people with mental health issues.

By the sounds of things, Batwoman could be heading in a similar direction to the The Joker War. Creegan then revealed:

Fans have a lot to look forward to in terms of classic Joker memories. There are going to be certain situations, items, stories brought into the mix that the original Joker from the comic books has always had his hand on. Marquis will be tapping into certain things that will remind people of the original Joker. You can also look forward to him really giving the Bat Team a run for their money. The first episode after the midseason finale is going to be very intense and insane, and they’re going to get a full dose of what Marquis has to offer. By the time we get to the end of the season, I think certain people’s hair will go gray. It’s going to be a stressful season for people who love the good guys.

What are your thoughts on Batwomans New Poison Ivy And Joker?

Batwoman will return with new episodes on Wednesday, January 12th.

Source: ComicBook

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