Batwoman Crew Member Calls Out Ruby Rose

In the midst of a heated war of words between former Batwoman star Ruby Rose and WBTV, a former production assistant has called out Rose’s terrible on-set behavior.

Office drama

Ruby Rose left Batwoman after only one season playing the Crimson Crusader, an abrupt departure that left writers scrambling to fill a Rose shaped hole with fake deaths and facial reconstructions, before finally moving on completely from the character of Kate Kane. Rose’s reasons for leaving the Arrowverse series slowly evolved from stunt related injuries to covid shutdowns to a latex allergy, before finally blowing up in the form of allegations of abusive and dangerous behavior by WBTV execs and members of the Batwoman cast and crew. WBTV denied those allegations thusly:

Despite the revisionist history that Ruby Rose is now sharing online aimed at the producers, the cast and crew, the network, and the Studio, the truth is that Warner Bros. Television had decided not to exercise its option to engage Ruby for season two of BATWOMAN based on multiple complaints about workplace behavior that were extensively reviewed and handled privately out of respect for all concerned.


This statement makes it clear that from WBTV’s point-of-view, Ruby Rose was the real trouble on set. Now Alexander J. Baxter, a production assistant on Batwoman Season 1, has shared with a lengthy account of Rose’s dismissive behavior of her co-workers and unprofessional behavior on set:

She showed up late most days, didn’t have her lines memorized, and whenever she interacted with anyone below the line, production assistant, LX crew, grips, it was as though we were beneath her boots. She stormed off set, she yelled at people, and whenever she interacted with any of us production assistants, we were disregarded as the trash we picked up.

There’s more to read, and anyone who has ever had to deal with a tyrannical boss will find themselves empathizing with Baxter.

If any of the alleged behavior is true, it casts Ruby Rose in the nastiest of lights; the epitome of spoiled small-screen starlet, and it certainly makes sense why the show would jettison her, despite the narrative headaches involved. Luckily for fans Batwoman Season 3 continues behind the competent (and hopefully kind) performance of Javicia Leslie as the all-new Crimson Crusader!

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