‘Injustice’ Releases a NSFW Trailer

The upcoming DC Animated movie Injustice has a new red-band trailer that showcases the level of violence in the film.

This latest preview will definitely satiate even the most bloodthirsty fan. Just look at the preview image, and you can tell that DC is not holding back on the violence on this one.


The trailer is interesting because it’s not an alternate version of the previously-released one, but actually acts as more of a continuation, picking up where it left off.

Where the last preview teases only the beginning of the movie with Joker and Harley Quinn capturing Lois and blowing up Metropolis. It then ends with Batman interrogating the Joker and Superman busting angry. However in the new trailer we see the bloody results.

Now go back and re-watch the SFW trailer and then the latest one. They really act like companion pieces to each other. I personally like seeing all the different DC heroes’ reactions to Metropolis blowing up and Superman’s dark turn.

With the film being rated R for “Bloody violence”, one wonders how intense the movie is going to be. If the actual film is anything like the comics, then it will probably be really gory.

Injustice hits digital download and Blu-Ray on October 19th.

Source: YouTube.com

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