‘Suicide Squad’ Comic Cover Variants On Their Way

DC has unsurprisingly chosen to harness every opportunity they can with the upcoming The Suicide Squad. Starting in August, thirteen new comic cover variants will be available featuring characters from The Suicide Squad.

Each cover has a unique layout and assortment of characters it features, and the comic books each will be for also presents a point of interest. Only eleven of the covers have been released at the moment. However, many readers will be happy to see that Harley Quinn is the most commonly found character on them.

They’re also incredibly unique because they’re being drawn by a number of different artists. The many styles being used to treat the members of The Suicide Squad are fantastic and colorful. Even better, none detract from the characters’ film appearances or James Gunn’s vision for the film. Honestly, seeing these masterpieces just amps up my personal excitement for the upcoming film!

Check out the comic cover variants below!

As you can see, every cover has a variety of The Suicide Squad characters at the forefront. Harley Quinn is the most prominent figure in all the covers that feature her, but King Shark and Ratcatcher 2 are also pictured quite a bit.

Each cover has its own unique details with little intricacies to pick up on. For instance, the Infinite Frontier covers are meant to be a corresponding set that can be lined up together. Catwoman #34 goes for a 1960s/1970s feeling brought on by Polka Dot Man, but also features Ratcatcher 2 unusually wearing a mask. Future State: Gotham #4 leaves a lot of questions about when, how, and why its trio was in the jungle at some point in time.

Each cover is sure to attract readers with the character mixes and varying art styles.

As for me? My favorite has to be the cover for Green Lantern #5. The colors are astounding, as is the realism. The Thinker is drawn to greatly resemble the actor who will play him, Peter Capaldi, without making it exceedingly obnoxious. Polka Dot Man’s dots are floating through the background and foreground, adding to the liveliness of the work. This cover is also the only one that features Javelin, a character I know little to nothing about. Lastly, the background has tiny little versions of Starro all over the place. Who doesn’t love that!?

As mentioned before, the total number of variant covers to be released will be thirteen. The two that haven’t been released yet are The Flash #773 (art by Alan Quah) and Suicide Squad #6 (art by Jorge Molina). With how great the current comic variant covers look, the remaining two are sure to be just as gorgeous.

The first of these comics (Batman #111 and Suicide Squad #6) will be released August 3, just days before the Suicide Squad‘s reboot. The rest will be released every Wednesday following the movie’s debut (meaning August 10, 17, and 24).

Drop a comment below if you have thoughts on these new covers! We’d love to hear them.

The Suicide Squad will debut in theaters and on HBO Max on August 6, 2021.

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