Omega Beams, Speed Force, Justice League: Oh My!

Zach Snyder’s Justice League is just a few days away from release. Soon, all its secrets and unseen footage will flood the internet. Until then though, Snyder has been releasing more and more unseen content online. The latest sneak peek has shown Snyder’s interpretation of Darkseid’s Omega Beams, and The Flash’s Speed Force.

Justice League‘s original cut didn’t feature Darkseid ,other than as a passing reference. Not only will the ruler of Apokolips now be making his live action debut, but his main attack will also be shown. Darkseid’s Omega Beams seem to have been designed to match the comics. As seen in the new TV spot, Darkseid’s attacks will be incredibly comic-book accurate. It’s also fair to note that the clip appears to take place in Atlantis. This likely means that the scene that will feature the Omega Beams will happen in the history scene, at the beginning of the film, which appears to have been extended significantly from the one we saw in 2017.

Also new to the DCEU is the Speed Force. This blue electric power is vague and mysterious, though some clues point to the use of The Flash’s ability as likely being connected to time travel, which had been cut from the original Justice League. Luckily, fans won’t have to wait long to find out about the Speed Force and its capabilities, especially if Snyder keeps gifting fans with more previews.

So, is there any new content left? Despite Snyder’s generous sharing of snippets from the new cut, we can anticipate plenty of excitement left to fill the four hours of the movie.

Zack Snyder’s Justice League will be available for streaming starting March 18th on HBO Max.

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